How to Restore Damaged Cabinets

3 Materials
2 Days

Do your kitchen cabinets look like this?

You don’t have to replace them or do a complete kitchen reno.

I’m going to show you a quick and easy way to restore damaged cabinets.

If your cabinets are chipping and peeling, the good news is you don’t have to go through the expense of replacing them. There is a way to fix them and to save you’re a lot of money.

This is a picture of the kitchen cabinets before we restored them. As you can see there are many areas where it was chipping and peeling.

I’m guessing they are about 20 years old. But they are still in good condition, structurally speaking.

To replace this kitchen, it would have cost about $15,000 dollars. OUCH!

Just to replace the doors the contractor wanted close to $4,000.

But with a little TLC and paint. We fixed the problem for a fraction of the cost.

These are the same doors you saw in the first picture. You can’t even tell that they were damaged.

Do you want to know how we did it?

Keep reading…

All you need is some wood filler, fine sandpaper, and your finger.

  • Sand the area to remove the flaking and wipe clean.
  • Using your finger apply the wood filler to the problem area.
  • Once the wood filler is dry, little sand it until it is smooth.

Then proceed to prime and paint your cabinets. It’s really that easy.

Look at how beautiful these cabinets look now. Your old, outdated kitchen is restored, and you just saved yourself thousands of dollars.

I hope you enjoyed this and found some inspiration. If you have any questions or need help join my FREE Facebook Group “ Ask Cheryl Phan

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See Ya on the inside!



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Cheryl Phan
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  • Diane Stromberg Diane Stromberg on Jul 06, 2021

    Any advice on how to repair bubbled up vinyl cupboards? The thermofoil covering is letting go on some drawers. Any ideas other than replacing every cupboard and drawer front.

  • Sherrie Nordan Byrd Sherrie Nordan Byrd on Jun 12, 2023

    Have cherry stained cabinets. Area around knobs is dirty and sticky - How to refurbish? cabinets in great condition - 34 years old

    Farmer B

  • Gene Gene on Jun 01, 2024

    So….all you did was a proper prep on the cabinets and then painted them?

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2 of 35 comments
  • Katen Katen on Jun 01, 2024

    Gosh I tend to forget that many products available new homeowners unaware of. Wood filler is one of them. I foolishly assume you already know but unless you ask you’ll never know. Thanks for asking as this is common item many did not know existed. Only dumb question is the one you don’t ask

  • Cheryl Phan Cheryl Phan on Jun 03, 2024

    I use wood filler for cracks and chips. It will keep the finish smooth.
