DIY PVC Pipe Privacy Screen

12 Materials
2 Days

Use PVC pipe to create a one-of-a-kind outdoor screen!

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The inspiration for this project was a decorative fence we saw at Walt Disney World's Epcot, as well as the upholstery print in a booth at a restaurant! Inspiration is everywhere!

Steph has been wanting to replace her garbage can privacy screen and this idea seemed like a perfect fit!

Watch the video!

This PVC fence found at Epcot at Walt Disney World was the inspiration for our screen.

This is Steph's old screen that we wanted to replace.

The first step was to purchase various sizes of PVC pipe. I sanded all the pipes prior to cutting to roughen up the surface so the adhesive would hold better once we started to put it together.

I clamped the sander upside down to the work table for easier sanding of the pipes.

For your convenience, there are links to the products we use in our projects from Amazon as well as The Home Depot, Wall Control. (Mother Daughter Projects is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and links to Amazon.)

All the pipes were cut to about 2" thick on the miter saw. Smaller pieces of pipe were cut with a portable band saw or Husky PVC cutter.

Watch the video to see this tool in action.

After we cut what seemed like enough pipe, we started fitting the pieces into the PVC pipe frame we made.

(See the video or blog post for frame details.) We soon determined we needed a LOT more pieces. We went back to the store for more pipes and started cutting more slices!

We are working on a piece of insulation foam. We were hopeful that when we started gluing the pieces, the glue would not stick to the foam insulation. (Spoiler: the glue did not stick to the foam--success!)

The assembly process took about 4 hours! We used outdoor construction adhesive to connect the pipe slices.

We used a battery powered Ryobi caulk gun to dispense the outdoor construction adhesive which was very helpful.

The screen came off the insulation foam easily and the finished piece was strong and sturdy. We took it to Steph's house for the installation.

We put a couple of pieces of 2' long rebar into the ground and set the screen onto the ground. (There are more details on the blog about this part. Also, you can see details about how we dealt with the angle of the ground.)

Here's the screen from the street. We really like the look!

This is a good representation of the sizes of PVC pieces we used as well as where we glued the pieces to each other.

We keep it clean using Wet & Forget Outdoor.

Resources for this project:
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Mother Daughter Projects
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Sandy Russell Sandy Russell on Jun 05, 2022

    I love the look of this screen! It’s very neat and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The two of you did very nice work.

    I wonder if this could have been made with recycled materials?

  • Deborah Tucker Deborah Tucker on Jun 05, 2022

    How much did this cost? PVC pipe can get pricy

  • Sheryll S Sheryll S on Jun 25, 2022

    How much of what sizes did you buy? So I may check how expensive this will be for me.

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  • Kellyann Kellyann on Nov 19, 2023

    I thought I may want to try but after seeing the video and all those expensive tools ~ never mind. 😩🤣

    • Sheros Sheros on Jun 20, 2024

      A palm sander would do or even rubbing the pipes down with a piece of sandpaper by hand...its just roughing it up a bit...Not really necessary but does help with bonding ... A circular saw isn't what I would call expensive..The one they use is but its more than you need. A sawzall would work too. Any of these tools can be rented very reasonably

  • Anne Endrizzi Anne Endrizzi on Apr 04, 2024

    Right. The expensive tools and purchasing of a lot of plastic makes it not environmentally nor financially sound for me. Repurposing plastic pipe would help.
