How to Make a Simple Snail and Slug Beer Trap

Hometalk Highlights
by Hometalk Highlights

Snails and slugs wreak havoc on our gardens, leaving behind trails of destruction. But don’t worry! I have a quirky yet effective solution up my sleeve that involves everyone's favorite summer beverage—beer!

Yip, that’s right! Today, we're going to dive into making a snail and slug beer trap to bid farewell to those pesky garden invaders.

Tools and Materials:

  • Beer
  • Yeast
  • Flour
  • Sugar
  • Container
Killing slugs with beer - great for snails too!

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Trap snails and slugs with this highly recommended snail bait and container that Amazon reviewers swear by!

1. Find a Suitable Container for Your Beer Trap

Let's start by finding the perfect vessel for our snail and slug catching concoction.

Look around your kitchen for deep containers like pickle jars, tin cans, or even plastic cups and yogurt containers. Remember, the deeper, the better!

Bury the container in soil

2. Bury Your Beer Trap

Once you've got your container, it's time to bury it in your garden. Use a trowel to dig a snug spot, ensuring the rim is about an inch above the soil. This setup prevents our slimy foes from escaping while enjoying their beer bath.

Remember, balance is key when burying the container—too deep, and beneficial ground beetles might fall in; too high, and the snails might struggle to join the party.

3. Set the Traps Three Feet Apart

Spread out your beer traps strategically, placing them about three feet apart. Snails are not big travelers, so we want to ensure we cover enough ground to intercept their sneaky journeys.

Calculate according to the size of your garden, aiming for comprehensive coverage.

Beer trap for slugs and snails

4. Fill Your Trap

Now for the fun part—filling our traps with beer! Don't worry about splurging on fancy brews; any beer will do.

Get rid of snails and slugs with a yeast, flour and sugar mixture

But if you find yourself without beer or prefer an alternative method, you can whip up a substitute by mixing two tablespoons of flour, 1/2 teaspoon of brewer’s yeast, one teaspoon of sugar, and two cups of warm water.

Pour either the beer or the flour and yeast mixture halfway into your container.

If you opt for beer and want to take it up a notch, simply add a pinch of yeast. This additional ingredient acts as an irresistible invitation to our slimy adversaries, ensuring they can't resist the temptation.

How to get rid of slugs and snails

6. Empty the Traps

To keep your traps effective, it's essential to empty them every two to three days. The beer loses its potency over time, so pour out the old brew and replenish with fresh beer regularly.

Rainwater has the tendency to weaken the potency of our traps, so it's crucial to inspect and empty them after rainfall. Consider covering them with a plastic container during rainy spells or when watering the garden to maintain their effectiveness.

And don't stress about emptying traps filled with deceased slugs; their presence only attracts more unwanted guests.

When it's time to dispose of them, simply pour the beer and dead garden slugs and snails into the outdoor garbage or add them to your compost pile.

Looking for more natural pest control solutions?

Check out these Homemade Pest Control Sprays to keep your garden free from unwanted visitors.

Snail and Slug Beer Trap Tutorial

With our DIY beer traps in place, we can bid farewell to snails and slugs the natural way. Say goodbye to nibbled leaves and hello to a thriving garden oasis.

So, grab your beer, set your traps, and let's reclaim our gardens, one sip at a time!

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