How to Easily Create a Rustic Look By Staining Wood With Paint

Hey friends! Today, I'm excited to show you my favorite method for staining wood with paint to achieve a rustic vibe. This technique is super easy and perfect for adding character to your wooden projects. Let's dive in!

Hometalk Recommends!

Give your projects a rustic look with this recommended chalk paint that Amazon reviewers swear by!

Tools and Materials

  • Acrylic paint
  • Paper plate
  • Drop cloth
  • Baby wipes
Craft paint for home decor

Lay down some old newspapers or a drop cloth to protect your work surface. This will make cleanup a breeze.

Brown paint and light-colored wood

1. Choose paint

Squeeze a small amount of your chosen paint color onto the paper plate. This will be your base color. It's a good idea to start with a little paint and add more as needed.

Baby wipes

2. Dip a baby wipe into the paint

Grab a couple of baby wipes – these will be your secret weapon for creating the rustic stained look. Dab a baby wipe into the paint on the paper plate. Make sure it's evenly coated but not dripping.

Staining wood with paint and baby wipes

3. Apply the Paint

Now comes the fun part! Take the paint-dabbed baby wipe and gently spread the paint all over the wood. If you're working on smooth wood, you'll find that this technique works like a charm.

While the paint is still wet, you have the flexibility to control the color intensity. To lighten the color, use a clean part of the baby wipe to gently wipe away some paint. For a darker look, simply apply another layer of paint with the baby wipe.

How to stain wood with paint

How to stain wood with paint

Take a step back and admire the rustic beauty you've created! The paint will settle into the wood's texture, giving it a charming aged appearance.

I'm so glad you joined me for this staining wood with paint DIY adventure! Feel free to share your projects in the comments below – I'd love to see your unique spin on this staining method.

Thank you for hanging out with me today. Until next time, happy crafting!

Follow @wilsonfarmandhome on Instagram for more DIY ideas.

Frequently asked questions
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3 of 5 questions
  • Meredith Westbrook Meredith Westbrook on Aug 22, 2023
    I love this idea! Yours looks fantastic. I wonder could this technique be used on already painted furniture to update the color?
  • Lyn12467409 Lyn12467409 on Aug 22, 2023
    Can it be regular wipes?
  • Mikki Mikki on Jun 18, 2024
    Why didn’t you show the finished product???
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2 of 31 comments
  • Sylvia A. M. Colburn Sylvia A. M. Colburn on Feb 18, 2024
    It's nice to know that the liquid in the baby wipes has virtually No Impact on the paint job. I frankly PREFER this approach over typical painting, & not just for the control. Plain Painting can make any Real Wood Look like plastic, so why bother? Plus, a perfectly Smooth paint job is NOT as easy to attain as a Nice smooth finish with this technique. AND we're talking using very little paint, maybe a fifth or less. GREAT Tutorial!!!!
  • Ann Ann on Jun 18, 2024
    Thank you for such a Great idea. This is awesome now I can stain with no smelling stain to set off my asthma. ❤️