Porch Decor: How to Make a Pool Noodle Topiary Wreath Planter

If you're looking for a fun and creative way to decorate your front porch, this topiary wreath planter is perfect for you.

By using a pool noodle and a hula hoop, you can craft a charming decoration that’s both easy and budget-friendly.

This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through the process, helping you create a DIY wreath topiary that adds a touch of greenery and light to your outdoor space.

Let's dive in and get crafting!

This post was transcribed by a member of the Hometalk editorial team from the original HometalkTV episode.

Tools and Materials:

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Pool noodle decoration DIY

1. Prepare the Pool Noodle and Hula Hoop

First, grab a pool noodle …

Hula hoop craft

… and a hula hoop for this DIY topiary.

Cut the pool noodle

Using a utility knife, slice the pool noodle vertically.

Slide the pool noodles over the hula hoop

This will allow you to open up the pool noodle and slip it around the hula hoop.

How to make a pool noodle and hula hoop topiary

You’ll need about one and a half pool noodles to cover the entire hula hoop.

DIY front porch wreath with pool noodle and hula hoop

Once the pool noodles are in place, use duct tape to secure them together.

Use hot glue to secure burlap to the pool noodle

2. Wrap the Pool Noodle with Burlap Ribbon

Since the bright blue color of the pool noodle might show through the greenery, wrap it with burlap ribbon.

Easy pool noodle and hula hoop decoration tutorial

Secure the burlap with a bit of hot glue as you go.

Step-by-step guide for making a burlap-wrapped porch wreath

This not only covers the pool noodle but also creates little pockets that make it easier to place the greenery later.

Add your greenery

3. Add Greenery to the Burlap-Covered Noodle

Now that the pool noodle is covered in burlap, it’s time to add the greenery.

Slide the greenery into the pockets of the burlap

Take your eucalyptus stems or any other greenery you have and tuck them into the folds of the burlap.

Floral wire is perfect for securing the greenery to the wreath

Continue until the entire wreath is covered.

Homemade outdoor decoration

Use floral wire to secure the greenery in place to ensure it stays put.

Wrap fairy lights around your wreath planter

4. Wrap Fairy Lights Around the Wreath

For a touch of ambiance, wrap some fairy lights all around the porch wreath and intertwine them within the leaves. This will make your topiary wreath glow beautifully at night, adding a magical touch to your front porch.

Place stones in the planter for stability

5. Secure the Wreath to a Planter

Next, take a plastic planter and fill it with some rocks or other heavy filler to keep it stable.

Place a paint stick in the planter for support

Insert a paint stick into the planter to act as a support for your wreath.

Crafting a front porch decoration

Next, you will need to use zip ties to secure the wreath in place. Begin by creating small holes on each side of the planter, near the top edge.

How to make a wreath topiary planter

Slip a zip tie through each hole, ensuring it wraps around the wreath.

Front porch decor ideas

Tighten the zip ties to hold the wreath firmly against the planter. For added stability, use additional zip ties to secure the center of the wreath to the paint stick

Transforming everyday items into beautiful decorations

Cover the top of the planter with some additional burlap to hide the openings and rocks.

More Porch Decorating Ideas

Discover how to create a stunning DIY Porch Planter to give your entrance a stylish upgrade

Place your finished wreath planter on your front porch

Hometalk Recommends!

Make your own beautiful topiary with this recommended pool noodle and eucalyptus garland that Amazon reviewers swear by!

Topiary Wreath Planter Tutorial

Now that your wreath topiary is assembled and secured in the planter, place it on your front porch.

This wreath topiary project is a fantastic way to add a personal touch to your outdoor decor.

Admire the enchanting glow of the fairy lights at night

I hope this guide has inspired you to try it yourself. Feel free to ask any questions or share your own topiaries in the comments.

Thanks for following along, and happy decorating!

Sarah Vanderkooy
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Liz31297443 Liz31297443 on Jun 05, 2024
    So are you using artificial eucalyptus stems or are they real and if they are real where would you find that? Also liking the idea of just using it as a wreath on the wall outside the front door and perhaps you can add different details to coincide with the season like Xmas, Easter or 4 th of July.this will be a great project.
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