Five Different Garden Borders

Alicia W
by Alicia W
6 Materials
10 Minutes
Here are five different ideas for a garden border using things you probably already have around your house.
Number 1 - plates.
Carefully tap your plates into the ground using a rubber mallet. If the ground is especially hard, dig a trench before you insert the plates.
Number 1 - plates
Gently tap the plates into the soil using a rubber mallet.
Using different shapes, colors, and sizes, you have an interesting border to your garden.
Number 2 - bottles
Soak off the labels in hot water and scrub any remaining glue from the labels.
Using a rubber mallet, gently tape the bottles into the soil
The more bottles you have, the closer you can put them together. Using different colored bottles, you would have a really beautiful border.

Number 3 - Pallet/Scrap Wood
Gently tap the wood into the soil using a rubber mallet.
You can vary the heights, colors, and sizes of the wood or make it all one height using the same wood.
Number 4 - Aluminum Flashing
Wearing gloves, fold down the top of the edge as it is sharp.
This is a very sleek and industrial look.
Number 5 - Rope Lighting
Using landscape pins, secure the rope lighting to the top of the edge of your border.
Your garden is now lit up at night.
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3 of 17 questions
  • Herma Hayes Herma Hayes on Sep 09, 2017

    Is the Rope Light Solar or Electrical???

  • Lagree Wyndham Lagree Wyndham on Apr 06, 2018

    The pallet wood looks good, but does it also act a Buffet for termites?

  • Pyesangel Pyesangel on May 28, 2018

    I love the look of the aluminum flashing. How hard is it to work with and about how much does it cost????? Are there different widths and lengths???

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3 of 163 comments
  • Jo lynn Morris Jo lynn Morris on Feb 07, 2024

    Yes I am going to try a few of them. Plates,wood, and lights

  • BoyMomX BoyMomX on May 19, 2024

    I like the idea however, the glass plates and bottles would worry me way too much with children around.

    • Brenda Brenda on May 21, 2024

      Wine bottles are VERY tough, most are made from pretty heavy glass (much thicker than a beer bottle. How many tough-guy movies have you see where there is a bar fight and someone breaks the beer bottle to use as a weapon? Now, how many wine bottles have you seen broken for that purpose? LOL I have had a wine bottle edge for a 8-10 years, but I have no rambunctious kiddos. My "issue" is that the bottles have shifted from thawing/freezing. And possibly the wildlife have knocked them out of line.
