The Easy Way to Hang up Art (no Measuring)!

Montross Made
by Montross Made
4 Materials
10 Minutes

I absolutely hate trying to figure out how to hang art when it requires two screws. Trying to get the piece hung at the right height is difficult enough, and when you have two screws to worry about, getting the spacing right and the piece level can make things even more complicated! I learned this hack where you can hang art with no measuring, get it exactly where you want, and you probably already have the secret weapon at home - it’s toothpaste!!!

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Hang pictures up easily with this highly recommended hole and leveling kit that Amazon reviewers swear by!

What I used:



Screws (plus or minus wall anchors)


All you need to do is put a tiny bit of toothpaste on each screw hole.

Then, press your piece up against the wall, at the exact height you want it at. You can use a level to make sure your piece is level, but because mine doesn’t have any straight lines, I wasn’t worried about making it perfectly level.

The toothpaste will transfer to the wall (you can see the small white glob under the screw). This is where you’ll put your screw, and your wall anchor if you’re using them.

There you have it! No tape measure, no stress, and no holes in the wall in the wrong places! It was so easy. You can also do this trick with a piece that only has one screw- you don’t need to worry about screw spacing, but I’ve found it helps with getting the piece at the perfect height. I love a good (and free) hack!!

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  • Barbara Barbara on Aug 07, 2022

    I love the art you hung for this!! Are those real plates, and did you buy it like that, or did you DIY it yourself?? If you bought it, could you please share where you purchased it from? Thank you for sharing this toothpaste hanging tip!! 🥰🥰

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