Christmas Tree Hacks | 3 of The Best Designer Dollar Tree Ideas

Are you ready to transform your Christmas tree into a holiday masterpiece without emptying your wallet?

I’m going to share some brilliant designer Christmas tree hacks to make your tree extravagant using Dollar Store products.

Let's dive into these thrifty Christmas tree decoration ideas!

This post was transcribed by a member of the Hometalk editorial team from the original HometalkTV episode.

Tools and Materials:

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Metallic balloons arranged on a Christmas tree

Christmas Tree Balloon Hack

Who would have thought that metallic balloons could become the stars of your Christmas tree? It's easy, fun, and oh-so-affordable:

Christmas tree on a budget

1. Grab Your Metallic Balloons

Head over to the Dollar Tree and pick up a pack of metallic balloons.

Inflate the metallic balloons

Inflate them to a medium size, and they'll resemble large ornaments.

Balloons in Christmas tree

2. Fill in the Gaps

Use these shiny balloons to fill in those empty spots on your Christmas tree. It's a budget-friendly way to add some sparkle and color.

Christmas tree decorating hacks

Christmas Tree Ribbon Hacks with Mesh

Don't underestimate the power of Dollar Tree's mesh ribbon. With a little imagination, you can make your tree look full and festive:

Roll of mesh

1. Choose Your Ribbon

Dollar Tree's mesh ribbon comes in various colors, so pick one that matches your style.

Fold the mesh in half

2. Create Ribbon Ornaments

Cut a piece of the mesh ribbon and fold it in half.

Twist the corners of mesh ribbon

Fold the corners together, twisting them.

Mesh ribbon ornaments tucked into gaps on a Christmas tree

Then, tuck these ribbon "ornaments" into the gaps in your tree for a charming and affordable tree transformation.

Yarn woven tree collar

DIY Tree Collar

Now, let's cover-up that not-so-pretty tree base with a DIY tree collar:

Tree collar supplies

1. Purchase Supplies

Pick up a Dollar Tree laundry basket and some chunky soft yarn.

Using a box cutter to trim the top of a laundry basket

2. Prepare the Basket

Using a box cutter, cut off the top of the laundry basket

Cut the side of the laundry basket

Then slice down the sides to open it up.

Tree collar DIY

3. Weave the Yarn

Take a piece of yarn and glue it vertically from top to bottom evenly around the basket.

Christmas tree decorating on a budget

Now, weave the yarn in and out of the slats on the laundry basket,

Weaving yarn through laundry basket slats

Alternate each row to create a woven effect.

Wrap the woven collar around the tree base

4. Finishing Touches

Add a piece of yarn to the bottom and the top to cover up any plastic, and you're done!

Now all you need to do is wrap the collar around your tree.

DIY Christmas Decorations

For more festive decor projects, discover Hometalk's ultimate guide to a DIY Christmas, with ideas for wreaths, ornaments, trees, garlands, crafts, and anything else you can think of for the holidays!

How to DIY a cozy Christmas tree collar

Christmas Tree Hacks

And there you have it – three fantastic ways to jazz up your Christmas tree using supplies from the Dollar Tree. You don't need to spend a fortune to create a delightful and unique holiday display.

So, why wait? Go ahead and give one of these ideas a try and make your Christmas tree the talk of the town!

I hope you found these Christmas tree hacks inspiring. Do you have any other creative tips or suggestions?

Sarah Vanderkooy
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 4 questions
  • Tammy Tammy on Nov 27, 2024

    None of the above projects show the full pictures- ????

  • Char Char on Nov 28, 2024

    I don't see any finished projects?

  • Susan Acito Susan Acito on Nov 28, 2024

    Won't the balloons burst when the needles poke them?

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2 of 9 comments
  • Jan Jan on Nov 28, 2024

    These are all very cute, but be careful using the balloons if you have pets. If they break your pet can choke on the pieces.

  • Jaejae Jaejae on Nov 28, 2024

    I dont get it!
