Shed Converted to Chicken Coop
Brooke Bock
(IC: blogger)
When we expanded our flock, we needed to add more space. Check out how we turned a 8 x 10 shed into a great chicken coop that is cute and functional.
We bought the shed used so we had to go disassemble it and then reassemble it in our yard. We used sand to level the ground and then Styrofoam sheet insulation to keep it from sinking.
A little over half is dedicated to storage. All the supplies used to be on the back porch so I love that everything is all in one place now with the birds.
An old wagon holds galvanized tin trash cans that contain chicken feed: cracked corn in one, crumble in the other. A third on the other side of the self holds other things like oyster shell and gravel and oats.
The shelf in the corner is an old portable greenhouse shelf. I have been using it for the chickens for a few years. It will last even longer now that it is not exposed to any elements. It was at the end of my back porch previously.
The top shelf has a few decorative touches like the flowers and the little chicken candle holder. The galvanized bucket and green basket both hold feathers. When I find nice ones, I put them in here. I use them for all sorts of crafts. The enamelware pan keeps the eggs from rolling away while I am tending the flock. I cut the seams off a couple burlap sacks and draped them over the shelves to conceal some of the storage. The bottom shelves contain a tote of straw, buckets and such.
The other side is living space for the chickens.
These plastic bins are screwed to the board for nesting boxes. They are very easy to clean and our hens like them. We added a board for a perch in front of them after I took the photo.
There is a little doorway from this coop to the "courtyard" and the first smaller coop.
There are 2 roosting perches. Each coop has feeders and a waterer so the chickens can eat wherever they are. We added aluminum bars to the windows so they could not fit out of the window.
Here are the newest members of the flock. We had 8 Bantam chickens before. We added these 2 Aracaunas this spring. We had one rooster and 7 hens. We were hoping these two would add 2 more hens. We are pretty sure the buff colored one is a rooster....Uh oh. Hopefully there is enough space for the whole flock to get along. To see more, click on the blog post below.
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Published July 14th, 2015 7:02 AM
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3 of 45 comments
Linda on Oct 07, 2016
Brooke Bock on Oct 08, 2016
Denise Freeman on Jun 09, 2018
I have horse stall mats on the floor of my coop that helps insulate in the colder months. Plus they are really easy to clean.
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Is your Shed plastic or metal?
I have 17 hands do you think if I bought the shed like that it would manage them
Could you send me more pictures of the "yard" for your birds and if you had written plans? If not maybe more pictures of the inside. I have an old wood-built shed with a wooden floor.