Painting A Verdigris Finish On Concrete Or Metal Statues #Spring Fever

by B
Painting a verdigris finish on concrete or metal statues for the yard
These items are over 20 years old. When I purchased them they were painted in a verdigris finish that I loved and has held up well.
Supplies: Wire brush, Paper Towels, Chip Brush, Blue/Green Spray Paint, Can of Black Paint, Spray Top Coat
First, wire brush any loose paint and then wipe the objects of dust & debris. I chose a blue/green spray paint by Rustoleum (Seaside Gloss) for the base coat. Spray and let dry per the instructions on the can.
Next, use a chip brush and apply black paint, wipe off to reveal the base coat. Follow the instructions on the can for drying time, then top coat with a spray finish. Don't forget to paint and seal the bottoms of the objects.
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  • Annette Barsby Annette Barsby on Jun 14, 2017

    I've made up my own verdigris colour but not tried the black paint over yet. I will do this though on the little resin cat statue I have which is not complete, and I do wish I could find out if it part of some children's story.

    It is here below and came as a house clearance after the old man died. Believed to be from the garden as it was muddy. Have any of you seen anything like this?

    It had rust marks on it;ls right arm where something metal must have been, and it's left paw it has a round item, like a coin. Sweet little thing and the base has a hole where something else stood, maybe a candle

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  • Carol Kostka Crane Carol Kostka Crane on Jan 07, 2021

    I don't know if I want the black look. I'd rather have a copper base with the blue green color sponged on. Any comment or ideas?

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  • Ame20941711 Ame20941711 on Jul 09, 2017

    I was taught by a large company that made all kinds of lawn ornaments. Thier recipe was to paint a black coat first, let dry, then using a sea sponge, gently dab on the green paint. Works every time.

  • Randy Randy on Apr 27, 2020

    I use to paint concrete statues , patio sets , etc. for a concrete company years ago . You paint the black first . Use flat black . You do NOT want it shiny . THEN the color you choose . Use a cheap brush . Dip it very little into the color you choose . Then on a old board , wipe the brush off on it until hardly no color is left . Then wipe the statue or what ever you are doing and the color will show . Just repeat until you are finished .
