How to Make a Marble Mosaic on an Old Window Frame!

Sherre M
by Sherre M
I love stain glass, but it can also be very expensive! Here's my version of budget friendly one!
I got a bunch of old window frames from the restore for $5.00 dollars. I love them so much because of all the possibilities! This one I painted green with chalk paint.
Next I gathered my supply of glass marbles, river stones,& gule. I then took a marker & drew out my trees, rock wall grass & sun. This is going outside in my garden so I used a strong glue, LOCTITE GO2 GEL & glued right onto the glass panes. The glue dries clear so when it's hung both sides are pretty!
I did the rock wall, trees, grass, sun & small batch of pink flowers 1st. then filled in my sky. This isn't hard, just a little time-consuming!
Here I'm starting to fill it all in, I had to stop ever now & then to un-stick my finger!!!
And here it is! This is going outside in my garden, it looks beautiful with the sun shining thru! My husband is making me two rustic shutters to attach to the sides. thinking about doing a lake & cabin scene next! What do ya think?
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3 of 26 questions
  • Andrea Bayard Andrea Bayard on Aug 30, 2020

    I am also doing a window project but have a question. I bought some glass pebbles but they have a ceramic like back to them. Of course I need this to come off. any ideas how I can remove it????

  • Teresa Anthony Teresa Anthony on Dec 27, 2020

    I have a large window from my son's house, I went to a glass supplier, he said the glass I had was way to weak. So I purchased a reinforced glass, hold's any weight you add to it. by the way he absolutely loved your art work. He gave me a demonstration, for glass weight. I didn't mind the $90.00 I had to pay for the installation. I'm going to enjoy working on this project. Thank You so much, just inquire with you glass supplier, it's worth it when he showed me how weak the glass I had. would love to see your project with the shutters, did you attach the shutters or kept them separately.

  • Judy C Judy C on Jul 02, 2022

    I have two old windows that I replaced the glass with mirrors. Any thoughts on using the clear marbles on the mirrors?

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6 of 330 comments
  • Ko Ko on Jan 14, 2019

    I used marbles and it was to heavy for the glass and it broke.

    • See 2 previous
    • Lady Blue Lady Blue on Oct 31, 2020

      I replied to you, but do not see my response. Posted a pic of 3 windows I made too using E6000, flat backed glass pebbles, vintage/antique barn windows. Not sure where my post went....hope this one posts!

      comment photo
  • Jan Thomas Jan Thomas on May 24, 2019

    If the glass marbles, flat backed, are too heavy try using buttons

    • Vienna Sausage Vienna Sausage on Apr 15, 2020

      Buttons then turns this into a completely different project. Because the stained-glass aspect of it is gone when you switch to opaque materials. Not trying to discredit your idea.
