Tomato Companion Planting

Pamela Scruggs
by Pamela Scruggs
I avoid watering the leaves of my tomato plants and avoid wasting water at the same time by planting repurposed coffee containers that they throw away at my job NEXT to my tomatoes.
Punch holes in the bottom and sides
I leave the lids on so that when I fill these with water I won't just be leaving water jugs out to feed the mosquitoes. I snap the lids back on and feel secure that I am only watering the roots.

I usually try to dig the trench deep enough so that I can cover up the bottom two thirds of my new planting helping to develop a really strong root system. it's amazing how the roots will wrap right around the coffee can in the ground as if it know where the water will be coming in. Smart plant!!

After I cover it all up all you can see is the top one third of each tomato plant and the black lid.

By the way, I grow bumper's my "secret" (not so mysterious) next to around or below each root ball I put a quarter cup epson salt, a quarter cup of sugar, a quarter cup of all-purpose fertilizer and a quarter cup of dry milk and I usually throw in a banana peel and either a fish head or shrimp shells or oyster or clam shells whatever I have that's from the sea.

of course you can substitute fish fertilizer for the C additives if you are worried about critters coming to dig them up. since mine are buried so deep I never have that problem and all of this decomposes the plants convert this buffet into energy and they grow like mad!!! Oh and yes, I do plant marigolds and lemongrass nearby.

Would love to hear your other repurposing ideas for the garden that help keep things from going in the landfill...
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  • Edward trudeau Edward trudeau on Nov 28, 2018

    do you drill holes in cans

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  • Karen Hobbs Karen Hobbs on Apr 22, 2019

    I use the red coffee cans because tomatoes love the color red. It also protects the young plants from wind.

  • Terry Walker Terry Walker on May 10, 2020

    I like the idea. I drill 3/8 holes in the bottom 1/2 and a few in the bottom and plant 4 of my plants around it for the deep watering. I also use the 3 Lb. cans with 3/4 holes in the bottom 1/2 and 2 holes in the bottom and dig them in with 2 inch showing and put shredded paper , grass clippings and other stuff and it makes a good worm towers for the garden. I put them about 6 feet apart in my raised beds. It just works great for me. Have a good one.
