DIY Faux Wood Wall

by Meg
3 Materials
1 Hour

Who doesn’t love a simple/inexpensive DIY! This faux wood wall cost me roughly $30 (Canadian) to complete. I purchased the faux wood wall stickers from Dollarama for $3.00 a pack (8 stickers in each pack). I roughly used 9 packs of stickers for this wall & still had some left over. I was looking for a way to change up the look at the end of my hallway without breaking the bank. This is definitely the way to go if you don’t necessarily want something permanent (peel & stick) & also need a project that is affordable. Dollarama has lots of different colours with regards to wood tones that you can choose from. I decided to go with the greys & whites!

This is the before shot of my hallway. To prep the wall I removed the mirror & table. I just gave the wall a quick wipe down to remove any dust.

Just an FYI when picking out the wood colour for your stickers some packages will have lighter wood tones and some will have darker. I just picked up 9 packs and then mixed and matched the colours.

This is all I used! Cutting board and kitchen knife which I obviously already had on hand. An Axecto knife would also do the trick and a hard surface to cut your stickers.

Just over halfway done here. You can see how I mixed and matched the dark and light pieces, but you could also use one colour if you’d like. Also when you get to the baseboard/corners of the wall I just cut the sticker right on the wall to get rid of any access material.

Some pieces I left long and some I cut short just to break up the pattern/colours. A tip I would recommend is making sure you line up your stickers so that they are even in height with the sticker on either side. This will ensure your stickers look straight and line up. Also, it may take a bit of practice to get it lined up straight, but because it is peel & stick you can put it on/take it off until you are happy with it.

I love how this project turned out. It has added so much character and Willis a perfect affordable accent wall. The great thing about this project is if you decide to paint or change your mind it just peels right off!

Follow me on Instagram @farmhousefeels_

Resources for this project:
Any price and availability information displayed on [relevant Amazon Site(s), as applicable] at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.
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Frequently asked questions
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3 of 5 questions
  • Shannon Calico Shannon Calico on Jul 19, 2020

    What color is the paint on the hallway walls

  • Dei84221497 Dei84221497 on Jun 12, 2023

    Where did you purchase the table?

  • Amanda Amanda on May 18, 2024

    Hello I have some of these stickers, but I can’t seem to find out if you can get ones like these anymore. Do you know?

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2 of 44 comments
  • Carolyn from NH Carolyn from NH on Nov 06, 2020

    Nice touch. Looks great. Nice improvement.

  • Lynn Maloney Lynn Maloney on Jan 27, 2024

    Looks great! Some of the update projects are way beyond my skill level. Yes, I can do simple DIY, any thing that requires hammering, cutting, sawing, lifting, because I have limited mobility issues...forget about it! I think with my daughter's help, I can do this! Thanks for sharing!😄
