Asked on Mar 01, 2018

Do all window curtains in an open room have to match?

by Mom19286515
Window, curtains, living room, and dining room are open to like one room , but they have separate windows should the curtains all have to be the same

  14 answers
  • 2dogal 2dogal on Mar 01, 2018

    For continuity, yes, the window curtains and drapes should be the same in an open concept room. They are usually part of the background, not the main feature.

  • Kelly Denoyer Russell Kelly Denoyer Russell on Mar 01, 2018

    I would. If that is not preferrred think about purchasing curtains that are identical in everything but color and then they still match but you can separate one room in color only.

    • Mom19286515 Mom19286515 on Mar 01, 2018

      I’m not exactly sure what you mean can I send you a picture of the rooms so you can tell me

  • Emily Emily on Mar 01, 2018

    I do not find it necessary in a room with windows that don't match to match window coverings. Shutters and curtains in the same room. Lower picture shows an Austrian shade over short window. Striped lined curtains over long window. If you have a picture, Momssunshine it would definitely help in giving advice. Your chairs and tables don't all match; why should your window coverings?

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  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Mar 01, 2018

    It is my personal preference when decorating. It helps to tie the areas together. It also helps the space seem larger.

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Mar 01, 2018

    I did that in one of my homes. We had a living room and dining room in one area. I wanted to separate the two rooms but make it look ok. I used the same wall color for both areas. The floor and area rugs are the style same. The window coverings are exactly the same except color. Remember, it's your home and you can do what ever you like. I hope this helps.

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  • Kelly Denoyer Russell Kelly Denoyer Russell on Mar 01, 2018

    I was just saying if it wasn't your desire for the curtains to fully match then buy the same curtains in different colors. Ideally its best they are all the same style AND color but if that is not your desire then maybe you want tan in the living room yet want a pop of color in the kitchen that is part of the same space order that exact same curtains but in another color.

  • Janet Janet on Mar 01, 2018

    Not everything has to match this applies in all aspects of decorating

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Mar 01, 2018

    It gives a better sense of continuity is your curtains are all the same style and color. Your furniture and decorations are what gives it character.

  • Sharon Sharon on Mar 01, 2018

    I don't think they need to match, but I would coordinate elements of the various windows by using coordinated colors in either monochromatic color schemes, or accents such as say a silver trim for example, or making the curtains blend in with the wall treatment so that the furniture would be the main focus.....

  • Paula Frazier Paula Frazier on Nov 06, 2019

    I agree about the same color. I would say you could have the same background color in the curtains, but one in solid and the other in print to give each room a distinct style.

  • Deb K Deb K on Aug 03, 2023

    Hello, hope this helps you out. I think you could do different curtains on each window provided you have a bit of a break up between the the two, like carpet to flooring or match to the furniture near each window. It will look great!

  • Mogie Mogie on Aug 05, 2023

    Things like look tacky is they are too matchy matchy. You can vary the pattern if you keep to the same basic colors. The color would be your constant that would tie the drapes together.

  • Bianca Bianca on Aug 06, 2023

    Yes they do.

  • they don't have to be but if they are all in the line of sight of one another, you could choose similar colors or textures to tie them together.