Make This Sofa Table for $25
(IC: blogger)
1 Hour
We needed some sort of table behind our sofa to accommodate lighting and for a place to set things since we can't put a table on either side. However we couldn't find a long thin one that wasn't too $$$$. So, I made one!
You need a long pine board, some furring strips and some stair rail legs. Yes stair rails for the legs:)
Put everything together. Detailed instructions here: http://alwaysneverdone.com/2015/02/25-sofa-table-tutorial/
Paint, stain and poly.
Place behind sofa and decorate away!
Enjoy!! To see the full post at Always Never Done : http://alwaysneverdone.com/2015/02/25-sofa-table-tutorial/
Enjoy!! To see the full post at Always Never Done : http://alwaysneverdone.com/2015/02/25-sofa-table-tutorial/
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Published February 24th, 2015 9:12 PM
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2 of 310 comments
Tammy on May 19, 2018
I can't believe I didn't think of something like this sooner. Good job! May be my first job as a carpenter! Lol Have quite a bit of scrap wood I got from a recycling bin (dumpster) at a cabinet shop while dumpster diving, lol, for firewood. Have come across over 100 stair rails, or banister. I can't bring myself to use them as firewood. Now I can use them for this. Yay! Have come across some pretty cool pieces to use as hot plates, coasters, good pieces to use for building, of course. But ended up with a bigger pile for future progects than firewood. Lolol
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I have tried the link and it isn't working anymore. Is there an updated link?
I cannot get instructions thru website. It’s not working.
Hi there, the URL for the directions to make the behind the sofa table isn't listed. Can you please list the directions and materials needed?
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