Hanging Fruit Basket Art - Home Decor

Lisa Cain
by Lisa Cain
2 Hours
I had this old hanging fruit basket that LONGED to be pretty again...longed to be useful...longed to not be staring at me from my craft room, while I stared back at it..daring me to come up with an idea....so boy did I...
The finished Piece....all pretty and cool and a bit funky too. Reminds me of a person on a bicycle...but in a cool, metallic art pop kind of way. Soon to be hung and the envy of other fruit baskets eyes....
So this is what I started with...like I said, it was needing some love, since in no longer stored fruit or was useful. I took a wire cutter and cut the baskets free from the chains, but kept the chains as well as the baskets.
Then I got a piece of cardstock and started playing around with designs. Originally thinking I was just going to use the spheres as designs, and then low and behold THIS HAPPENED!! How cool is that....I'm digging the bicyclist look to it.
So I decided to use it like a stencil and spray painted red over it all, seeing as how the background was kind of a gray/black color. Thought the outline would come out cool when I removed the baskets and chains...however...as some projects will do.....it didn't look so good.
So I then decided to spray paint metallic silver on the wheels, in hopes that it would stand out more when I removed everything...but as projects do...it did not.
You couldn't see the outlines at all, and it looked like a big blob! So I went back to step one.
I sprayed over the Black, red and partly silver pieces until they were all silver and shiny. Then I sprayed over the entire background cardstock piece in black. And replaced everything on there again, until it looked almost the same as the first time. Then I just added a few staples to hold it to the cardboard. I'll have to do MORE staples when it's completely dry tomorrow, but I think it will hold up fine. So, don't overlook your old bathroom, or kitchen, or any room pieces when there "out of their prime" because you can ALWAYS bring them back to something even more FABULOUS the second time around!!!!!
All framed now. Love it.
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3 of 7 comments
  • Judy Judy on Sep 12, 2015
    Awesome job Lisa. I love the look. Only if I could have a brainstorm turn out that well.
    • Lisa Cain Lisa Cain on Sep 14, 2015
      @Judy THank You...and for the record, my brainstorms don't ALWAYS turn out this well either...LOL.
  • Lisa Cain Lisa Cain on Jan 26, 2018

    Looking back on this...I forgot how much I LOVED this piece. Still have it to.
