Squirrels and Peanut Plants

by Ivylore
The confused squirrels have been going "nuts" exploring my new secret garden (formerly my backyard). I've seen them digging all over, eating my plants, and burying their peanuts. Well, I didn't know they were such good farmers, because I discovered 2 peanut plants growing. I did not know what they were (being a city girl :)), but researched and found that sure enough, they were peanut plants. I decided rather than pulling them out of my garden altogether, I would try another experiment. I dug them up and replanted them in the raised bed behind the garage. I hope they will grow well there and maybe give those little squirrel farmers a good harvest and they will leave my plants alone :)
This big one was growing among the marigolds and the screeping red sedum.
The squirrel farmer that buried this peanut was also an artist- look at the beautiful setting he chose :)
digging up the smaller peanut plant
great roots on the bigger plant!
nice spot in back behind the garage
all settled in new home
the little one right next to it
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3 of 9 comments
  • Judy Judy on Oct 07, 2013
    Around here they bury acorns. Storing up food for winter & then they forget where they buried some of them. I have baby oak trees coming up in some of the strangest places but I love watching the squirrels. I feed them sunflower seeds sometimes & they come around looking for them almost every day.
  • Pam Park Pam Park on Apr 16, 2014
    same thing here last year. It has amazing how many peanuts grew below the surface - just amazing!
    • Ivylore Ivylore on Apr 16, 2014
      @Pam Park Really? Can't wait to see how they do this season :)