Shiplap Laundry Room Makeover

3 Materials
3 Days
If it's a room in your house that you spend any amount of time in... it might as well be pretty.
It all started when I tried to get a beach towel off the only shelf available in that laundry room... a shelf that I could barely reach and when I grabbed the towel... everything under it came tumbling down on top of the dryer. I decided right there I needed a manageable shelf.
That's how it looked. I decided that if we were taking that shelf down, we may as well make the room prettier. Shiplap is all the rage so I thought why not?! We purchased a sheet of plywood that we had Lowe's rip into 6" planks. They were installed one plank at a time. Luckily it's only a 6' wide wall. We do have 10' ceilings in that room so it did take a few planks to get it done. The full instructions are here.
I also needed shelves. I decided we could put up the iron pipe type shelves that are all over the interwebs. Lots and lots of pipes, flanges, elbows, caps- all quite dirty. They have to be cleaned before they can be used.. We bought two 2x12s for the shelves. They were cut to size then sanding, stain, and a few coats of Polycrylic made a gorgeous end result.
We also put up two long shelves over the washer and dryer.
Just to clear up one item: Several comments have been made about how I ruined the existing usefulness of the laundry room because there is nowhere to hang clothes. There actually IS a nice long bar we installed under the 3 shelf unit by the door. I just failed to put up a pic of it. So- here is the pic! I gained about a foot of hanging space with the new design.
I. Love. These. Shelves.! We also added a pipe for hanging clothes under the bottom shelf on the shorter shelves. None of what we did was particularly difficult... you just have to be brave and do it! It's a lengthy post so check it out here.
Suggested materials:
  • Plywood   (Lowes)
  • Valspar Paint   (Lowes)
  • 3/4" Iron Pipe   (Lowes)
Under a Texas Sky
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 23 questions
  • And where do you hang your clothes now?

  • Janet Caterina Janet Caterina on Jan 08, 2018

    I thought shelves were used for laundry detergent and other cleaning products. Why do you have toilet paper instead?

  • Rachel Rachel on Jan 16, 2019

    Did you have any problems fitting the piping together? We are in process makInf a pipe shelf and the threads don’t “thread” well at all.

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