Little Doggy Stairs

Kara S.
by Kara S.
1 Hour
My sweet Scottie Gus is just a little too short to jump up onto my bed. Although I would love to get a mini workout in by lifting him up every time, I decided to make him his own mini steps.
I took a quick trip to Michael's and picked up two crates. 1 regular size, and 1 half size. You can get 2 half crates if you have a dog smaller than Gus who may need more steps.
I painted both crates with off-white chalk paint to match the rest of my decor, but here is where you can get creative! Paint your pets name, a stripe design or go all out with a collage of doggy pictures. (Man, I wish I would have done that)
After your paint has fully dried, apply E6000 to the bottom of the half crate and position it on top of the large crate. Let this dry overnight and voila you have mini stairs!
Action shot!
Now little Gussy can get up on the bed, in the car and onto the couch all by himself. Guess I need to get a real gym membership now...
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  • Helen Helen on Nov 01, 2016
    You mentioned getting two half crates for smaller dogs, do you still need the one large one? Not sure how to create more step so that the stairs are taller? Please help! This is the "prettiest" stairs for dogs that I have seen. Thank you. Helen
  • Kaitlin Kaitlin on Mar 23, 2017
    I'm confused how to do the 3 steps? Can someone put details on that for me!
  • Theresa Langdon Theresa Langdon on Sep 11, 2017

    How high does this make it?

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