DIY Cat Deterrent - Stop Furniture Scratching and Urinating on Carpet

by Mom4Real
I love my cats, but when they started scratching my new couch and one of them started urinating on an area of our carpet, I had to find a solution. I wanted to be sure that it was safe for them, so I did a ton of research and came up with this all natural, chemical free cat deterrent spray. It smells great and works like a charm. My cats don't seem upset, they just avoid the area where I spray it!
That's Macy Grace...our kitten. She came up to the table while I was photographing the cat spray and quickly sniffed and left...she is not a fan of the smell.
You will need clear dish liquid, eucalyptus essential oil, lemon essential oil, water and a clean spray bottle.
Fill your spray bottle 3/4 full with water, then add a few drops of the dish liquid.
Now add the essential oils.
Shake well and spray where you don't want your cats to scratch or urinate. It's always best to make sure that if your cat has urinated on your carpet that you clean it thoroughly to remove the cat urine odor. If there is an area in your home that you don't want your cat to visit, use this spray there as well...they will avoid going around the smell. For the exact recipe and many more homemade cleaning solutions, click the link below and visit my blog!
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 16 questions
  • Connie S Hayes-Forte Connie S Hayes-Forte on May 01, 2019

    Would this work elder dogs who pee every where now. I swear I let her out and she'll come in a pee.

  • Robin R Moore Robin R Moore on Feb 03, 2020

    How Can I Stop My Cat From going under the couch she’s torn up everything under the couch and I here crunching noises when she goes under there how can I stop her?

  • Alix Alix on Sep 27, 2020

    Does the room smell?

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  • Jenny Jenny on Jun 22, 2019

    WOW! Thanks Anna, have just written down these ingredients to use on my new chair that Tuppence thinks is her new scratch post. I’m going to stick with trying double-sided tape. Apparently cats hate the feel of it 🤞🙀😿🐾🐾😊

  • OLIVE HARTE OLIVE HARTE on Feb 15, 2021

    you say about Cats But what about dogs doing their poo and urine in my house This is a dog who comes to stay with his master and he dose same at home. Now I have every room in the house spotted with this and I a m afraid it will smell I6 is bad to clean up too! please

    GIVE ME A CLUE. olive.
