How to Remove Dust From Your Home: 4 More Genius Dusting Ideas

If you loved my first batch of dusting tips, you will adore these next four.

We’re diving into a few more clever solutions to help you tackle those tough-to-reach spots and keep your home spotless.

Let me show you how to remove dust from your home the easy way!

Tools and Materials:

Here’s what you’ll need for these dusting solutions:

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Say goodbye to tedious dusting

1.Dust in Tight Spaces with a Ruler and Cloth

Those hard-to-reach places can trap a lot of dust. Here’s a simple solution:

A ruler wrapped in a dryer sheet is perfect for reaching those tricky tight spaces!

Hometalk Recommends!

Dust hard to reach places with these recommended cleaning tools that Amazon reviewers swear by!

  • Wrap a dryer sheet or a clean microfiber cloth around a ruler and secure it in place with elastic bands.
  • Use the ruler to reach under appliances, around grates, and in narrow spaces.
Keeping pets clean will help contribute to a dust free environment

2. Brush and Clean Pets Regularly

Pets are wonderful companions, but they can contribute to dust in your home. Regular grooming can help keep your space cleaner. Here’s how:

  • Brush Your Pet Daily with a high-quality pet brush to remove loose fur and dander.
  • Follow a consistent bathing schedule with a pet safe shampoo to was away dirt and dander.
  • Wash pet bedding and blankets weekly to reduce the buildup of fur and dander.
An old sock is a handy tool for dusting blinds quickly and effectively!

3. Dust Blinds with a Sock

Cleaning blinds doesn’t have to be a hassle. Here’s a quick trick:

  • Slip an old sock onto your hand.
  • Use the sock to wipe each slat of the blind.
A paintbrush on a broom handle makes dusting your ceiling a breeze!

4. Dust Ceiling with a Paint Brush Attached to a Broom Handle

Cleaning ceilings can be a challenge. Here’s a straightforward method:

Microfiber Duster Kit (11PCS) - Washable Dusters with Extension Pole

Remove dust from hard to reach corners
  • Attach a paintbrush to the end of a broom handle.
  • Dust the ceiling by gently sweeping the brush across it.

Need more dusting ideas?

Discover additional hacks in this brilliant DIY Dust Removal guide!

How to Remove Dust From Your Home

And there you have it—four more ingenious dusting ideas to keep your home spotless!

With these clever hacks, you’ll make quick work of even the toughest dusting tasks.

Do you have any unique dusting tricks you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below.

Frequently asked questions
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  • Dag111523603 Dag111523603 on Sep 20, 2024
    What's the best way to dust a popcorn ceiling without disturbing the popcorn, which could contain asbestos?
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2 of 22 comments
  • Gail Gail on Sep 20, 2024
    Absolutely! Was just giving another suggestion. Didn't mean to offend.
  • Maria R. Maria R. on Sep 20, 2024
    Great ideas ! Every time I dust, I use some of those methods but I always have my vacuum on (with hepa filter) with the brush attachment on the hose right next to what I am dusting so that it gets any dust that might not be held by my dusting cloth. My asthma does much better that way lol ! There are attachments for vacuums for dusting and they work very well also, especially on the walls, ceilings (sorry not popcorn), blinds, fans and more.