Asked on Jan 31, 2019

How to get this big water stain out of my couch?

Teresa Williams
by Teresa Williams

I have a big water stain from a cloth my daughter placed on the arm of the chair. I tried getting it out as you can see it got worse. Any ideas on how to clean my couch?

Best stain cleaner!

Get stains out easily with this Folex Carpet Spot Remover spray that Amazon reviewers swear by!

  26 answers
  • Chris Gignac Chris Gignac on Jan 31, 2019

    It must be steam cleaned

  • Mad29883817 Mad29883817 on Jan 31, 2019

    Try using cleaner TUFF STUFF with a carpet cleaner

  • Jeremy Hoffpauir Jeremy Hoffpauir on Jan 31, 2019

    THis video provides clear instructions:

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Jan 31, 2019

    "Water spots on fabrics are caused by the dislodging of sizing or finishing agents found in many garments. Water dislodges these agents and causes them to form rings on the material surface." read on to clean:

    I also read that to clean, use distilled water so there are no minerals to deposit.


    Dampen the corner of a washcloth with white distilled vinegar, and rub the stained area to remove the water spot or ring. Rinse out the first cloth again under running water; wring it out and reapply it to the area to remove the vinegar. Let the stained area dry. Repeat as necessary.


  • Jeanette Jeanette on Jan 31, 2019

    I fixed a seat like this once by wetting the whole cushion with water from a lightly squeezed-out hand towel, then brushing each side or sides in the same direction. Then take a clean towel and brush as dry as possible. Allow to dry.

  • Cindy Mulcahey Cindy Mulcahey on Feb 01, 2019

    i Use straight bleach on mine and it got old stains out on it. It made it even brighter and smelled like new again. But if your to apprehensive do a spot check

  • Martha Riche Martha Riche on Feb 01, 2019

    My car seats do this - use Resplve spray on upholstery cleaner on the entire area, not just the 'stain' - follow the instructions on the label. It works like a charm!

  • Regina Boutwell Regina Boutwell on Feb 01, 2019

    I am a fan of Folex for any stains I find on carpet, clothes, chairs, etc. I buy it by the gallon and pour some in a spray bottle. Every time I run across a stain of any kind I get out the spray bottle of Folex. It has never let me down. Worth a try!

    • See 1 previous
    • Ilene Ilene on Mar 28, 2022

      Where do I purchase this? My spot I just discovered because I have a blanket on the couch. This is urine and it went through and made a spot on the opposite side of the cushion-my couch is a light tan in color.

  • Glenice hanna Glenice hanna on Feb 01, 2019

    When I bought my furniture the saleswoman told use rubbing alcohol.

  • Penny Penny on Feb 01, 2019

    I read using a baby wipe does the trick and it worked for me good luck

  • Carmen Somar Carmen Somar on Feb 01, 2019

    If the seat has a zipper. All you need to do is remove the cover and throw it in the washer. Use cold water and Woolite.

  • Dee Dee on Feb 02, 2019

    I would spray it with white vinegar then use carpet cleaner on the stain. If you have a rug shampooer, use the attachment ment for furniture and rinse with it. Otherwise rinse well then vacuum the area and let dry.

  • Deb K Deb K on Feb 02, 2019

    Hello, Hope this helps

  • Mary Riva Mary Riva on Feb 02, 2019

    Oxyclean spray

  • Stevie Johnson Stevie Johnson on Feb 03, 2019

    I once fixed a previously worn wedding gown w/ a soiled hem that had also left a ring when the bride to be had attempted to wash just the hem. I simply dipped the entire skirt to within a couple inches of the waistline seam. Let it set until the wet mark stopped rising closer to the seam & then carefully dabbed small amounts of water to that seam. Dried, neither the skirt, the seam or the bodice showed any soil.

    Your sofa will be easier. Just wet it to the piping in front of the armrest, to below the seat cushions & up & over the armrest to the very bottom of the end unless there is a seam somehere to stop at. Don't think there will be, but maybe?

  • Florida Beachpotato Florida Beachpotato on Feb 03, 2019

    I am not too mobile so used a recommendation from HOMETALK for a Green product called

    Bac-out, stain and odor remover - bought last year and it was amazing. All seniors need to know about this ezy peazy stuff. Biokleen company 800/477-0188 or BIOKLEENHOME.COM

    I have bad allergies and this stuff is perfect for me as its free of chlorine, ammonia and other pollutants. I really like it does not need rinsing and kills odors.

    I can pass on the recommendation I got here from Hometalk and give it a 10.

  • Matt Matt on Jul 03, 2020

    I used Scotchgard and it did wonders on a sectional grey banquette that had loads of water stains. Very easy. Covered each section in the foam and let it sit for five minutes and then rub with a damp micro fiber towel. Before and after pics. Really makes it look like new. It’s a little over two years old, but my daughter and her friends had spilled multiple things on it, mostly just water.

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  • Patty Patty on Jul 21, 2020

    Do you know the fabric content? Also, are the seat covers (is that what we are looking at?) removable? I used a combo of rubbing alcohol and water, sprayed it on. Then brushed gently. Wiped down with a white washcloth so you can see how dirt is coming up. If seat covers are removable and you have a matching throw pillow, wash the pillow first and see how it does. If it doesnt fall apart, wash both seat covers together, cold water, small amount of detergent. Let air dry.

  • Sue Peters Sue Peters on Oct 24, 2020

    Crazy. I googled water stain on couch and this was first image in the list. I have the exact same couch. It was a little creepy to see the water stain on the same couch but then realize it was a different spot.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Dec 22, 2020

    Hi! Have tried upholstery cleaner? They make a foam type that comes with an attached brush. If you have access to a rug cleaning machine with an upholstery attachment, even better because you can suction the cleaner right back out. The brand upholstery cleaner I buy is made by Bissell. Good luck and stay safe!

  • Carol Haas Carol Haas on Apr 25, 2021

    This happened to me. The cushion cover was removable, so I just put it in the washing machine and washed it on delicate. Then I air-dried it. Stain gone!

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on May 14, 2021

    Steam clean it and it will come right out.

  • Simple Nature Decor Simple Nature Decor on May 15, 2021

    The only thing that worked for me was professional cleaner, the water stains is almost impossible to get out, unless its slipcover that you can wash.

  • It seems counterintuitive, but using a steamer on the spot should work to remove it. I wouldn't rent one though, they are never clean enough, I would purchase one if you don't have, even a small hand steamer with a brush attachment should do the trick.

  • Simple Nature Decor Simple Nature Decor on Aug 16, 2021

    I used a professional carpet cleaner for my problem with my couch

  • Holly Lengner - Lost Mom Holly Lengner - Lost Mom on Sep 18, 2021

    If you have a shampooer, you can use the attachments to clean the couch. That's how I clean mine.