Asked on Feb 11, 2014

What type of hinges are used on the top of this folding table?

Tina R.
by Tina R.
Does anyone know what type of hinges are attached to the top of this folding table? The legs fold in toward the back then the top folds down flat against the legs.
  27 answers
  • Sherry M. Sherry M. on Feb 12, 2014
    Unsure, how about taking a nice close up photo and asking at the hardware store....Or take the hinge itself if you can remove it easily.
    • See 1 previous
    • Rwp51197697 Rwp51197697 on May 12, 2021

      These hinges are called ( 5 knuckle 270 degree door hinge ) they come in different sizes. I built this desk from a deconstructed computer desk. It came out great but I had to do a lot of research to find those hinges not even cabinet shops could tell me what they are. Once I new what they were I ordered a set off Amazon.

  • JoieBK JoieBK on Feb 12, 2014
    From a distance it is difficult to tell, but it could be a European hinge. You will have seen them on cabinets, a circle is cut to insert part of it into the door on a cabinet. They are really nice as can be adjusted easily after installation and because of the portion that is inserted into the cab door, they are quite sturdy. I really hate the installation factor though, time consuming and frustrating. There are other options equally as sturdy that don't need the circle bit to install. I'm with Sherry, Ace hardware has a plethora of hinges...and any other hardware you could ever need, as well as super helpful folks with lots of experience so they are full of good suggestions.
  • Norman Ransom Norman Ransom on Feb 12, 2014
    The hinges look like standard flat hinges. They attach to the underside and inside only and are not visible when the top is closed. The spacers on the outer edge of the top serve to strengthen the front legs of the desk/table. The corners are regular corner brackets. This looks like a very simple and inexpensive project but a very useful piece of furniture.
  • Judi Doherty Judi Doherty on Feb 12, 2014
    Those look just like hinges of box cupboards that are purchased through cabinetry outlets, most often they can get you some if they don't have them. The part appears to be recessed in the top of the table but a closer view would better show how it was attached in order to be sure which type of hinge it is. But still get a hold of cabinetry shops and for sure you'll know what it is.
  • Beverly Farkus Beverly Farkus on Feb 12, 2014
    piano hinges might work.
    • Tina R. Tina R. on Feb 12, 2014
      @Beverly Farkus Thanks Beverly! My only concern is there has to be enough room to clear the legs when they are folded in.
  • JoieBK JoieBK on Feb 12, 2014
    As I look at this again, that hinge would have to lift off the 1x2. The two side "legs" clearly fold from the sides into the middle, but the top could not fold down over the back and sides. So it would need to be a u bracket that slide down over the back 1x2. That should be easy to find though. Have fun making it!
  • Martha Martha on Feb 12, 2014
    I have a similar situation.I have an old drop leaf table & cannot find hinges that would level the table up.Any suggestions?
    • Kate McComas Kate McComas on Feb 14, 2014
      @Martha , You might want to try a flat slide bolt that will support the table when it is extended and it slides back in when you want it to fold down...
  • Beverly Farkus Beverly Farkus on Feb 12, 2014
    can't you contact whoever posted it on Pinterest?? or talk to a man who makes cabinets himself - not a Lowes or Home Depot person - a person who does special orders,etc. A cabinetmaker.
    • Tina R. Tina R. on Feb 13, 2014
      @Beverly Farkus The link on the Pinterest pin is not working.
  • Richard G Richard G on Feb 13, 2014
    I think JoieBK is on the right track. it looks like some sort of "Leg Hinge". Here's one that I found that is a pretty simple design: The ones in the photo look like they were built for that purpose. The side leg hinges are just plain flat hinges.
    • See 1 previous
    • Patsy Price Patsy Price on Feb 13, 2014
      @Tina R. Your best bet would be to take one of them off and carry it with you to the store where they can match it up for you. I don't think these other post are right. Good Luck
  • L.E. & Company L.E. & Company on Feb 13, 2014
    .......Not much time for reading all the comments, I just know when all else fails, ask at an ACE Hardware.....seems they always have, not only the answers, they have all the products the Big boys don't have nor know about!....Good Luck.... :)
  • Gail lichtsinn Gail lichtsinn on Feb 13, 2014
    cant really see them well but they might be french hinges which are adjustable
  • 153091 153091 on Feb 13, 2014
    @Tina..go to click on products, then will find them listed. Hope this helps.
  • Tina R. Tina R. on Nov 20, 2014
    I found out these hinges are 270 degree hinges.
  • Misty Misty on Nov 20, 2014
    I had a similar problem once, local hardware store clerk says, just put the hinges on backwards?
  • Sanjib Saikia Sanjib Saikia on Dec 23, 2017

    What ty of hinge is used at the top of this table

    • Dave Dave on Mar 21, 2018

      The hinges used are from a sliding pocket door hinge ..

  • Ro Ro on Mar 21, 2018

    Piano hinges

  • Chip Chip on Dec 10, 2018

    The hinges are 5 knuckle institutional hinges.

  • San San on Jan 28, 2019

    Try the Hinges that used with the pantry cupboards.

  • Pam Martin Pam Martin on Oct 23, 2019


    Look up “special hinges” on google and look through those. I think I saw something that looked like it would work.

  • Red Red on Nov 28, 2019

    They are listed in this pic

    comment photo
  • Chad Chad on Sep 01, 2020

    I think the confusion is in how the top folds. The hinges aren’t important if the top folds towards the guy in the picture in stead of down like your thinking. I don’t believe the hinges are special, just how it folds. The top doesn’t fold down over the legs, it folds back. Hope that makes sense.

    • Kevin Hynes Kevin Hynes on Oct 19, 2020

      But if you think about how you’d mount the hinges to have the top fold over the back, you realize that regular flat hinges won’t work. A number of people have posted the answer above, including Christopher J Erdal who posted a link to the instructions for the project.

      I notice that no one really asked about the other hinges, but those are a bit of an issue as well. A lot of hinges won’t fold flat in both directions, and the pin has to be inside where the side rails fold flat, not outside.

  • Tee Tee on Dec 23, 2020

    270 degree hinges...says so in the Pinterest images

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Jun 23, 2021

    They look like the kind that’s in kitchen cabinets

  • Gan86300644 Gan86300644 on Jul 22, 2023

    If not mistaken, it's concealed hinges. There are 3 types of concealed hinges, C1, C2 and C3. It is being used mostly in modular cabinet's doors.

  • Mogie Mogie on Oct 20, 2023

    A picture closer up to the hinges would be helpful can't see them well enough in photo provided.