When faced with rotten wood ends and you don't need to replace the whole piece of wood, epoxy wood filler is a very

Peace Painting Co., Inc.
by Peace Painting Co., Inc.
good patch. At $100./gal. it's not cheap but unlike Bondo, the material expands and contracts with the wood, never cracking around the edges. It sands very easily.
Dig out the soft part
In larger holes, we glue in pieces of PVC trim as a filler
It applies like a thick spackle; this is the first pass
After a second thin pass it was sanded, primed, caulked and painted.
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  2 questions
  • Pcguam Pcguam on May 04, 2020

    Yes, I will try this project and it was a very good article. However, no mention of the product name. Can you please provide it?

  • Acc49147887 Acc49147887 on Jun 10, 2020

    What about the flex seal paste ?

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