Easiest Concrete Casting Ever!
(IC: blogger)
1 Hour
Use your empty cans and make the coolest concrete vessels. Cost = pennies and no fancy mold... You will have your friends saying 'what the'?! (btw, be patient; apparently I am crashing the servers on my site)
Go into your recycle bin and collect those soda and beer cans. Force out the bottom of the can with the end of a broom (easier removal later...) after cutting off the top. (full tutorial here) Make some dents and wrinkles in the can.
Quick-setting concrete mix is used here. I use RapidSet Cementall. Mix up a small quantity and be aware you need to work quickly since it sets i minutes. It should be of an easy flowing consistency.
Pour into the can and turn to coat all the sides. Continue turning to keep from settling on the bottom. It sets in minutes, be patient. Any extra can be poured into next can.
After few minutes it will 'stay put' and you can let it cure for about 1 hour. If the concrete is really thin repeat and pour another layer for reinforcement.
Once it is thicker (3mm or so) and it has cured, you can remove the can. Use caution as it is sharp. I like to use tools and rip the sides down in strips. The bottom is slightly more difficult to remove, so pulling strips work best.
TADA! The finish is super shiny and quite interesting. You can now add colour of preferred or enjoy as is. You can't get an easier mold than this. I LOVE concrete and have a lot of unique projects
Metallic paint seems so appropriate... So cool for so little effort!
Another super simple concrete project just posted: https://www.madebybarb.com/2017/08/21/faux-fossil-forest-coasters/
I just love concrete! Check out my other unique projects
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Published August 8th, 2017 10:27 AM
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2 of 71 comments
MacPac2015 on Dec 08, 2019
Cool. 😎
Scooter on Jan 15, 2020
Great idea. And there are so many cans that need to be repurposed.
Coat the inside and outside, so you can forget about removing the can, easy and guaranteed waterproof.
For colors, tint the concrete. A wide variety of suitable colorants can be found on Amazon, search for "concrete countertop colorant supplies".
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Why do you bump out the bottom of the can?
You said cut slits in the top of can for easy removal but I did not see that you did that or did I miss something, if you do not cut slits in top how do you remove it????
I love the project with the soda cans, too cool and a very good idea! I am very new to mold casting and I have some Rapid Cement All at home and I casted some in a plastic mold: 12" in length x 1" thick x 1" in height. Can you color this concrete easily? If so, what can you color it with?