How to Make a Cute Q-tip Christmas Tree in 5 Easy Steps

Welcome to a festive DIY tutorial where I'll guide you through creating mini Christmas trees using everyday items like tin foil, Q-tips, and a microfiber mitt. These cute decorations are not only easy to make but also add a touch of holiday magic to any space.

So, let's dive right into making some Q-tip Christmas trees!

This post was transcribed by a member of the Hometalk editorial team from the original HometalkTV episode.

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Q-tips and tin foil
Making a Christmas tree shape

1. Make a cone out of tin foil

The first thing you do is take a piece of foil, which can be any size you like. I have already scrunched it up so it's a little bit crumpled looking. We're going to make it into something that resembles a Christmas tree.

Wrapping the foil

Then, taking the other piece, I'm going to wrap it around.

Snipping the top off the cone

2. Cut the top and bottom

Cut off the top and the excess on the bottom

Making a cone out of tin foil

So, you're making a cone shape.

Cutting the tops off the Q-tips

3. Cut off the tops of Q-tips

Now, taking some scissors, I'm going to cut the tops off these Q-tips.

Applying the hot glue

4. Glue the Q-tips to the tree

Now, using a hot glue gun, I'm going to apply some glue to the bottom of the tree and start to stick these little tips in place.

Gluing the Q-tips to the cone

The glue sets up really fast. You could use a tacky glue or a gel. I have tried that, but it takes a while for that to dry. So the Q-tips kind of slid off. So I found this was the best way to do it.

Q-tip Christmas tree

5. Add cotton wool to the back

Now, you can carry on going all the way around, but I intend to just show one side of these.

Adding cotton wool to the back

My plan now is to put some more hot glue down and use cotton wool to fill in the back so that if any of it is seen, it looks a little bit snowy, too.

Alternative microfiber mitt Christmas tree

Bonus: microfiber mitt Christmas tree

I've made my cone exactly as I did before, and now I'm going to cut all these bits off this mitten. I got this in the dollar store. They come in different colors. I like this green one, though.

Gluing the microfiber tufts to the cone

Glue the microfiber tufts to the cone

Using my hot glue again, apply some glue to the foil and start adding these little green tufts. Keep going all the way up.

Q-tip Christmas trees

Q-tip Christmas trees

Here are my finished Q-tip Christmas trees, plus a couple of microfiber mitt Christmas trees. I put some little stars on the top and surrounded them with snow. I think they look really effective and I'm very happy with them.

I hope you've enjoyed this video and you are inspired to have a go. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

DIY Christmas Decorations

For more festive decor projects, discover Hometalk's best DIY mini Christmas tree crafts.

Julie McDowell - Design Artist
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 20 comments
  • Riq49621569 Riq49621569 on Oct 03, 2023
    Hi and sorry for continuing the "negative comment" conversation posts... I'm not understanding what is "negative" about any of the posts listed here unless some were removed. The author and designer invited "thoughts" and isn't that what was people posted. One person critiqued the cost of items the designer purchased to create a DIY. That's not negative, but more of an observation, opinion and perhaps a little sarcasm. I don't believe anyone has been disrespectful to the creator and I truly hope they are even more inspired with some of the ideas noted above for future projects. However, if there were anything negative that were removed, then I would agree with the other posts and it should be ok to voice opinions, suggestions and even critiques to help build a creative mind. Lastly, to the person who might be hesitant to post their DIYs, I hope you are encouraged to post your creativity. It could inspire others and it could give others like myself ideas for the home or gifts. This post is for $free.99 😊.
  • Jos5398577 Jos5398577 on Dec 10, 2023
    Loved the idea! It's great when others share their ideas with people who share their crafting ideas with the rest of those who are interested. Thank you for sharing your ideas and your positive comments. Happy Holidays!