Magic eraser wood floor
Best cleaner for wood floors!
Would a Magic Eraser work well for cleaning my finished wood floors?
Magic eraser wood floor
Best cleaner for wood floors!
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hardwood floor needs shine and prote tion
No. It will remove the finish.
No, Magic Erasers are cruel to wood floors. Your best bet is to find a wood floor cleaner.
Don't use anything abrasive. Scratched leave more places for the dirt to get into. Use regular dish detergent. I don't know why everybody has to get a different cleaner for EVERYTHING in the house. There are two aisle of unnecessary cleaners in every grocery store. Rinse after you wash. Done.
No, Magic Erasers are too abrasive. Follow manufacturer's directions or use Bona or Murphy's Wood Soap.
Murphy's oil soap would be best for your wood floors, the Magic Eraser if too rough for them and cause scratches.
Magic Erasers are to rough and abasive. Bona makes floor cleaners. Different formulations for different flooring types.
no will discolor and take finish off the floor
use a wood floor cleaner like Bona which is excellent
It would depend on how your floors are finished. If they came pre-finished I would not trust it as the finish is usually not as durable as a custom installed and finished floor.
Hi Sarah, no, not at all, it will destroy the finish. Depends what the stain as as to what you will need to use to clean it.
Begin by dusting or sweeping your floors well. Then make a cleaning mixture using 4 cups warm water and a few drops of castile soap or dish soap. Do not shake, but gently mix this, then mop or scrub small sections at a time, drying them with a clean cloth or dry mop after.
NO No No, Magic Erasers are very fine sandpaper. Do not use on wood, laminate or LVP. Also do not use on Stainless steel.
No. Their abrasiveness can strip away the finish just like it can strip the gloss from a painted finish.
Yes I think you can to remove black rubber marks made from shoes.
I sure am glad I asked this question before trying the magic eraser on my wood floorsđŸ˜† Thanks for all the great advice everyone
I would not use Magic Eraser on your wood floor. It can be abrasive, you do not want to end up taking the finish off of your floor.
Magic erasers can strip the finish off your wood! This article has some tips on how you CAN clean wooden floors though:
Magic Erasers can be used to remove crayon stains from painted walls, but they shouldn't be used to clean finished wood surfaces like wood paneling. The finish may be stripped away by the abrasiveness. Take note of the cleaning agents you must never use on wood floors.
No they can damage the finish.