DIY Dog Paw Wipes & Spray (Only a Few Cheap, Safe Ingredients)

Is your dog anything like my dirty, messy bulldog? Then, you’ve probably needed to clean their paws off every time they come inside!
These DIY Dog Paw Wipes and Spray are the perfect chemist solution. They clean, disinfect, soothe, and are really just a few pennies per batch. This little mixture was created because Ruger always gets so dirty when he goes in the backyard (I think he does it on purpose lol). But he has very sensitive skin, so I have to be careful what I use on him.
I combined some of my favorite chemist ingredients so it would be a fast solution too. No need for much scrubbing! Just wipe off!
You can also put this solution in a spray bottle to just spray your dogs paws. Even if they don’t have any actual dirt, it is still a great disinfectant.

- 3 Cups Water (distilled or bottled is best if your tap water is hard)

- 1 Tbsp Dawn® Dishwashing Liquid (or another good quality mild dish soap)

- 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil

- 2 Tbsp Hydrogen Peroxide (3% First Aide)

For the Wipes:

- Paper Towel Roll Cut in Half

- Container with Lid to Fit the Paper Towels

For the Spray:

- Just a Spray Bottle
Directions :

See it in video form here!

1. In a large mixing bowl, add in 3 cups of water.

2. Add in the dish soap, coconut oil, and peroxide. Whisk until well combined.

3. For the wipes, stick your half paper towel roll into a jar or container. Pull out the center card board part.

4. Pour the mixture into the container, soaking all the part of the paper towels.

5. Pull wipes up from the center. It should work like store bought wipes (see picture below)

Another method for the wipes: You can buy think paper napkins and put them in a shallow container and just take a napkin off the top. Similar to how diaper wipes are packaged.

For the Spray: Simply put the mixture in a spray bottle. Spray your dogs paws on the bottom and top to disinfectant. Wipe off it desired.
Chemist Tips on Why This Solution Works (Click here for more in depth details):

This solution removes dirt, disinfects, and soothes all at the same time, so it is the perfect combination for a dogs paw. With the addition of hydrogen peroxide, it can also whiten white fur that is dirty. Ruger has mainly white hair, the peroxide cleans and whitens it so well!
These are such a great thing to keep on hand this time of year with rain and snow!
Alexis @ Chemistry Cachet
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 4 questions
  • Lisa Lisa on Sep 24, 2019

    My dog licks her feet. Will this harm her if she licks it?

  • Lynn Kirouac Lynn Kirouac on Sep 24, 2019

    If you make it as a spray, doesn't the coconut oil coagulate in the bottle and clog up the spray?

  • Barb Barb on Sep 25, 2019

    Can this be used on dog's head and body? Rosie wallers in dirt, nose face body tail and all!

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  • Nikki Nikki on Apr 05, 2020

    Dawn contains a good oil and grease busting ingredient. Shampoos are probably gentler on the skin but less effective on dirt.

  • 34354174 34354174 on Sep 25, 2020

    Coconut oil by itself will help remove any allergens and dirt. Many use it alone to bathe dogs in.

    So, I would use watered down coconut oil alone. Hydrogen peroxide on dogs in any form can be harmful. I have actually had to use peroxide to cause vomiting when my dog got on the table and ate a whole pan of brownies. Chocolate is very toxic.

    Do not do this unless you know what you are doing!!!

    Dawn has numerous toxic ingredients. Your Vet may not know all this.

    Here are the ingredients in Dawn and the toxicity grades....

    Please take the time to fully investigate what you use on your pets. Dawn kills fleas. We have bathed our dogs in it to kill them (fleas, not the dog, ha). We make sure we rinse really well.

    I have enlightened my Vet numerous times. I am a former Vet Tech and my Vet is young. So question what they tell you sometimes.
